Welcome to the One Love Miami Photograpy website! I hope that enjoy my images! After burning out on an IT career, I was lucky enough to become the staff photographer and a barista at the Wallflower Gallery during the last several years of its existence. For those of you who don't know, the Wallflower Gallery was downtown Miami's only all-ages, original-music and art venue. A really magical place! Most of my online images are on that website. You can find them here.

I have been driven by music my entire life and love to photograph musical events and dance of all forms. Everything from Whirling Dervishes to Burlesque to Carnival Mas. I setup this website to display some of the 15+ years of images of Miami's annual Trinidad-Tobago style Carnival -- I just love the soca/calypso so! -- and other events that I have photographed. Some of the photographs may be fairly old but have never seen the light of the web. Enjoy!

Shameless Burlesque

The lovely ladies of Shameless Burlesque celebrated three years of performing together at the Purdy Lounge that night. Pictured are Sofia Luna, Morgan La Rue, & Ember Furie. But you can see the entire troupe in the gallery including Holly Peño, Angela Eve, Aurora Natrix, Mia Minx, Host Nictor/Nictoria, Juggler Pablo Paniagua, Guitarist Don Corsean and others. The 124 photos were my attempt to capture the night: it was fun & entertaining: lots of laughter & spanking. You should see these talented ladies live! Check out the Shameless Burlesque website for more!

Miami Broward Carnival

Miami Broward One Carnival is the best thing that happens every Columbus Day Weekend in Miami! Click on the ad to see the latest news while listening to some great music.

At the Launch, the 21 bands will be displaying costumes for the upcoming Carnival Parade on Sunday, October 13th. I noticed that they use the line, "North America's Ultimate Carnival Experience" so I remain hopeful that the organizers will make the changes to Sun Life to make it a better venue & more people friendly.

Medical Marijuana Benefit 2013

The gallery has 309 pictures of the over 30+ musicians, dancers, poets, speakers, and jugglers who performed at the 15th annual benefit by Ploppy Palace Productions.

You should also visit the United for Care website to get involved in the effort to place Medical Marijuana on the 2014 Ballot!

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Your first 10,000 photographs are your worst.
-- Henri Cartier-Bresson

Twelve significant photographs in any one year is a good crop. -- Ansel Adams